Cinnamon spiced tangerine and lichi salad with duck breast – 52
Fennel and grapefruit carpaccio with smoked sturgeon – 54
Vietnamese green papaya salad – 56
Chicory, beetroot and citrus salad with mango and ricotta – 60
Smoked beef tongue salad with apple, watercress and wasabi mayonnaise – 62
Baked carrot salad with dates, coconut and rocket – 64
Baked Jerusalem artichoke salad with lemon and mint – 68
Warm Thai avocado and prawn salad with coconut – 70 -
Smoked trout salad with tangerine and avocado – 78
Beetroot slaw – 80
Pear and black raddish carpaccio with honey and walnut – 82
Cous cous salad with salmon, dried apricot and orange – 86
Apple and beetroot salad with redvein dock, dried cranberry and walnut – 88
Salad of Mangalitsa cotlet with fennel and pomegranate – 92
Grilled salmon salad with goats cheese, tangerine and spinach – 94
Celeriac salad with quail egg and caper berries – 96 -
Makrel salad with apple, quail egg and a dill sour cream dressing – 102
Orange and red onion salad with cumin – 104
Bright green Asian chicken salad – 108
Spiced Beluga lentil salad with sweet potato and fennel – 112
Balsamic baked beetroot salad with goats cheese and plums – 114
Cabbage, fennel and carrot salad with yoghurt dressing – 116
Beetroot and quince salad with goats cheese, rocket and walnut – 118
Pan fried carrot and turnip salad with soy sauce and tamarind – 120 -
Grilled radish salad with radish leaf pesto – 126
Green pea salad with mint, fata cheese and pomegranate – 128
Asian sirloin salad with bok choy and fennel – 130
Lamb's lettuce with radish, sheep cheese and chive – 134
Oriental napa cabbage salad – 136
Spicy onion salad – 140
Quail egg salad with wild garlic – 142
Kohlrabi and carrot salad with yoghurt, sumac and cashew nuts – 144 -
Green leaf salad with edible flowers and elderflower dressing – 150
Grilled Camembert with asparagus and strawberry salad topped with poppy seeds – 152
Quinoa salad with cherry and almond – 156
Apple and radish salad with wild garlic – 158
Baked broccoli and cauliflower with tahini dressing – 160
Grilled radicchio and endive salad with cherry and gorgonzola – 166
Cauliflower tabbouleh – 164
Grilled chicken and avocado salad with strawberry and spinach – 168 -
Rainbow tomato salad with chili and herbs – 176
Sugar pea salad with raspberry, feta and duck breast – 178
Radish tzatziki – 182
Hot Sicilian potato salad – 184
Herb salad with fennel and cucumbers – 186
Ceasar salad of Romaine lettuce heart – 190
Kohlrabi and apple slaw with herbs – 192
Pork tenderloin salad with baby chard and red currant – 194 -
Fermented asparagus radish and pike perch ceviche – 202
Grilled aubergine salad with yoghurt and za'atar – 204
Summer octopus salad – 206
Shopska salad – 210
Sugar melon and mozzarella salad with lamb's lettuce, cucumber and cashew nuts – 212
Marrow salad with dill, tuna, eggs, capers and olives – 214
Char coaled zucchini salad with lemon and herbs – 218
Apricot and mizuna salad with lavender, fate and pistachios – 220 -
Quinoa and kale salad with blueberry, roasted oat flakes and almonds – 228
Bulgur salad with plums, goats cheese and rocket – 232
Tuna salad with sorrel, mint, cucumber and radish – 234
Watermelon and daikon salad with basil and chili – 236
Tomato salad with herbs, pecans and pomegranate – 238
Grilled chicken and nectarine salad with lavender – 242
Fig salad with blackberry, ricotta and dried ham – 244
Tomato, watermelon and cucumber salad with feta cheese – 246 -
Asian green pulse salad with cashew brittle – 254
Kale salad with pear, grapes and bacon chips – 256
Roasted wild mushroom salad with spinach and parmesan – 258
Panzanella, the Tuscan bread salad – 260
Oriental salad with peach, blueberry salad and rosewater – 264
Indian wild rice salad with grilled chicken, plums and pumpkin – 266
Roasted capsicum salad with mint, feta and walnuts – 270
Char coaled leek and broccolini salad with teriyaki sauce – 272 -
Chili and cumin flavored corn, sweet potato and green bean salad – 280
Spicy radish and cucumber salad with toasted hazelnuts – 282
Waldorf de lux with grapes, pears and pecans – 284
red cabbage salad with plums and red onions – 288
Larb gai on radicchio – 290
Grilled aubergine salad with mint yoghurt dressing and toasted walnuts – 294
Char coaled leek salad with grated eggs, pecorino and walnuts – 296
Vietnamese tripe salad – 298 -
Sweet potato and fennel salad roasted with cumins topped with tahini yoghurt – 306
Kale salad with wasabi and goats cheese avocado dressing and candied walnuts – 308
Grilled squash salad with herb pesto and ricotta – 312
Duck breast and pear salad with walnut and rucola pesto – 314
Roasted broccoli and chick pea salad with sun dried tomatoes – 316
Spinach, apple and pear salad with walnuts, goats cheese and dried cranberries – 318
Beetroot, apple and hering salad topped with boiled eggs – 320
Roasted Brussels sprout salad with toasted almonds and ham chips – 322 -
Grapefruit, orange end endive salad with blue cheese and walnut – 330
Asian rice noodle salad with wok vegetables and duck breast – 332
Roasted Brussels sprout, chestnut and parsnip salad with tangerines – 334
Lentil and artichoke salad with lemon – 336
Spicy mango and avocado salad – 340
Wild rice salad with mango, tangerine and pecans – 342
Navy bean salad with chili and lemon – 346
Blue potato salad in vinegar topped with smoked trout and pink quail eggs – 348